April Malig

Queens, New York



Hi I'm April and I'm a cartoonist, photographer, and risograph printer living in Queens. I make zines because I'm a contrarian little stinker and like to do what I want. Ok, but really: zines are immediate, personal, tactile, and democratic. Zines make it possible for me to make work that is completely of myself and share it quickly with other people. Zines allow me to both serious and silly, with drawings and photos, poetry and prose. And you know, I also like making pretty little books of pretty shapes and colors.


All I Do Is Play Animal Crossing and Online Shop, $7.00 - A 2020 pandemic diary. Four color riso and doodles. Link to purchase.

Rotten Roses, $8.00 - a 16 page comic (in strips) about a fanfic chat group obsessed with a fictional BL manga while coping with living in a world that isn't so fun. Link to purchase.

I Watched a Lot of Wong Kar Wai Movies, $7.00 - photograph zine about taking fictional romance too seriously. Link to purchase.

Links, Social, & Support

Website: aprilmalig.com

Social media: @aprilangelica on Twitter and Instagram

Venmo: @hellothisisaprilm
