Radical History Club

San Diego, California



My name is Stacey Uy (she/her) and I'm an independent graphic designer and illustrator. I'm also the daughter of Filipinx-Chinese immigrants and a citizen historian for a zine called Radical History Club. RHC seeks to unsettle anti-Black, capitalist and colonizer narratives of history by lifting up the perspectives of oppressed peoples. I call myself a citizen historian because I love to research and to make that research accessible and exciting for people, and I don’t seek permission from academic systems to do this work. These are our stories to tell.

I came into this work after learning the role of Filipino farmworkers in the grape strike of the 1960s just outside of the town I grew up in. While representation isn't everything, it's what crystallized my sense of belonging in the movement. And I just want other people, especially young people, to get that opportunity as well.

I’m also a member of Asian Solidarity Collective, which is a political organizing group that seeks to dismantle anti-Blackness and cis-heteropatriarchy in Asian American communities. It’s there that I’ve been sharpening my skills and developing an even deeper appreciation for movement work.


US Settler Myths: How Our Trust in the US Origin Myth Sustains Imperialism and Settler Colonialism, Sliding Scale: $8.00-$13.00 - To know Indigenous history and to be in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples requires us to reject the US origin myths taught in our schools. Illusions of brave pioneers and "founding fathers" are designed to erase our heritage of settler colonialism, imperialism and genocide. Learn about the true US origin story and the Indigenous Peoples who continue to confront ongoing settler colonialism. Each issue comes with a 1.5" embroidered patch that reads "Unsettle Settler Ways." Link to purchase.

Housing: How We Built a Foundation for White Supremacy and the Fight for Housing as a Human Right, $10.00 - Where we live determines the education we receive, how we’re policed and our access to stability across generations. Through real estate contracts, government laws, predatory practices, NIMBY’s and more, housing has been intentionally designed to cultivate white supremacist culture and power. People of color, especially Black women, have withstood the dehumanizing process of evictions and patronizing demands for personal responsibility. Their resistance calls us to fight for housing as a human right and to end white domination over where Black, Indigenous and nonwhite bodies gather and live. Each issue comes with a scannable ticket to listen to the brand new song "Redlines" by San Diego hip-hop artist and The Holyfield CEO Real J. Wallace. Link to purchase.

Blowout!: The Origins and Legacy of Chicana/o Student Resistance to the Colonized Classroom, $10.00 - In March of 1968, 20,000 students walked out of high schools and junior highs across Los Angeles to protest the oppressive conditions of their schools and to demand the dignity of a decent education for Chicana/o students. Their courage changed policy, and launched a new generational identity. Learn about the roots of Chicana/o student power, and what's at stake to shift power dynamics in the classroom. Link to purchase.

Other Work

You can also pay for the cost of an issue to be donated to a classroom set here or purchase teaching activities, prints and stickers on the website here.

I also host zine making and independent publishing workshops for educators and artists! Please reach out at hello@radicalhistoryclub.com if you'd like to connect.

Links, Social, & Support

Social media: @radicalhistoryclub on Instagram

Venmo: @Stacey-Uy
