Honey Boy Press

Santa Barbara, California



Honey Boy Press is a zine distro growing on ancestral Chumash-Barbareño lands and water in Santa Barbara, California. HBP was founded by macho queen, a queer chicane educator/librarian/archivist who loves pro wrestling, DIY/DIT, and making zines for everyone. Reach out to us to get involved!


This Tornado Loves You (4 issues), $6.00 each - Perzines about mental health, gender identity, music, education and teaching. Purchase here.

Annotated Wrestling Zine (3 issues), $6.00 each - Fanzines about Japanese and US professional wrestling! Purchase here.

A Boi's Guide To... (3 issues), $1.00 each - Minizines providing introductions to various obsessions of mine, including fountain pens and cologne. Full color. Purchase here.

Beautiful Imposition, $10.00 - A workbook zine about reflective and anti-racist teaching. Full color. Purchase here.

It's okay to cry homie, $7.00 - Zine about masculinity, feelings, and antidotes to toxic masculinity. Full color. Forthcoming.

Ungovernable, $7.00 - Photo zine about the unruly and ungovernable reality of living with a cat. Full color. Purchase here.

Other Work

HBP also runs zine workshops, collaborative and community zine programs, lectures on the history of zines and radical publishing, and consulting. Further info on honeyboypress.com.

Links, Social, & Support

Website: honeyboypress.com

Social media: @honeyboypress on Instagram

Venmo: @honeyboypress