Related Records

Phoenix, Arizona, United States



My name is Ryan Avery, I live in Phoenix, AZ with my partner and 4 dogs. I started making zines in 2020 - the first zine was a collaboration with my bandmates from my queer/ska band The Terris. We had plans to record in April, 2020 (but we all know what happened then) - around that time, I listened to an interview with Joe Jack Talcum from The Dead Milkmen and he talked about how before the band played together they would just write letters, tell stories and make zines. I felt really inspired by that, like - what a beautiful way to stay connected and active since we were unable to practice, record or play shows. After that, I have released zines for other artists on the Related Record label and started a semi-quarterly zine called "TESTIMONY" which is a collection of writing and visual contributions about religion and faith (mostly related to peoples trauma, but that’s just the way religion is).


TESTIMONY VOL. 1, $6.66 - 37 page zine featuring original art, photography, and essays from 8 different artists all centered around the faiths they grew up in. Featuring Michael Patterson, Dorian Wood, Elle Murtagh, Nicholas B. Jacobsen, Ryan Avery, Tyler Jacobs, Wayne Michael Reich and Jonathan Lees. Purchase here.

TESTIMONY VOL. 2, $6.66 - 32 page zine featuring original art, photography, and essays from 9 different artists all centered around the faiths they grew up in. Featuring Cia Lord, Joseph Tepperman, Lonna Kelley, Drew Danburry, Shawnte Orion, Elle Murtagjh, Vishinna Crowsmith, Bentley Monet and Ryan Avery. Purchase here.

TESTIMONY VOL. 3, $6.66 - 40 page zine featuring original art, photography, and essays from 9 different artists all centered around the faiths they grew up in. Featuring Connor Descheemaker, Nic Jacobsen, Ryan Avery, Tyler Jacobs, Peter Kulikowski, Shamika L. Moore, Mark Amura, Dustin Gardy and Cia Lord. Purchase here.

DINOSAUR LOVE "Extinction Stinks!", $7.99 - Extinction Stinks is a comic that accompanies an album (“that Big Oil doesn’t want you to hear”) of the same name by Related Records artist Dinosaur Love. On the cover of the comic is a vibrant color illustration of a large factory gushing billows of yellowish smoke into the atmosphere; a sign on the factory says “Rexxon: Ignore the Smoke.” This cover illustration pretty much echoes both the tone and the ideas present throughout the comic Extinction Stinks, which Dinosaur Love says, on the last page of the comic, “are inspired by actual *alleged* actions taken by oil company executives.” From the first page to the last are line drawings of robots, scientists, and more, offering an “Exclusive look inside HQ” and delivering facts about the oil industry, pop quizzes, and asides on late-stage capitalism. It’s all presented very tongue-in-cheek, with the intent of increasing awareness of a corrupt industry and entertaining readers. Extinction Stinks raises just the right amount of stink to achieve both" - Razorcake Purchase here.

TESTIMONY VOL. 4, $6.66 - 40 page zine featuring original art, poetry and essays from 9 different artists all centered around the faiths they grew up in. Featuring Cia Lord, Emily Spetrino, Alex Halaszyn, Destiny Rhinehart, Ronda Hampton, Sara Avery, Peter Kulikowski, Nic Jacobsen, Emma Bush and Ryan Avery. Purchase here.

Other Work

Related Records is an independent record label run out of Phoenix, AZ by Ryan Avery. It has been in operation since 2013 and releases all types of media formats in limited quantities ("nothing over 500 copies") The only common thread between all the artists Ryan chooses to work with is that Ryan loves all of them and considers them family. Genre's span from Punk, Indie, Pop, Comedy, Experimental, Kraut, Folk, Garage, Ska, Grindcore, Poetry, Psychedelic, Electronic, Vaudeville, New Wave, Rap, Spoken Word, Podcasts, Jazz, Acapella and Commercial Jingles.

Links, Social, & Support

Websites:; Also selling on Bandcamp, Discogs, Depop
Social media: @related_records on Instagram, @RelatedRecords on YouTube